An incredible dog rescue story about Fiona

Fiona, the incredible rescue that make a dramatic recovery.

A must-see video that depicts the kindness of her rescuers and ultimately gives Fiona her life back. When rescuers arrived looking for her, she was found standing on her own feces,  and the rest is history.

My heart sank after I saw this video and I am so grateful to the people who helped rescue Fiona. Look at how happy Fiona is at the end.

My strongest reaction came from comments questioning why people would spend so much money just to give Fiona surgery instead of giving it to humans. It infuriates me to see these comments because some people do not understand the many positive things that dogs can bring to people's lives. Dogs don't care about your what you look like, they still greet you by the door and love you to death no matter what! Also, they don't have a choice on how to live their lives. They don't understand why they are abused, neglected or even abandon. They give unconditional love, What did they do to deserve such cruelty? Please continue to go save man's best friend one at a time and ADOPT!  

VIDEO: watch the compelling story of Fiona


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